RISE (Raising Inclusion and Skills in Employment) was an Erasmus+ funded project which started in 2022 and finished in 2023. The project focused on youth, youth workers and trainers, seeking to help youths become more employable, and to train their trainers according to their needs.
The consortium was made up of three partners from three different countries:
RISE identified that there was a mismatch between current job openings and young people in Europe, which can be attributed to a lack of knowledge from both sides of the needs and skills available. As a result, the project sought to improve communication and understanding between young jobseekers and potential employers, as well as to provide tools to gauge social skills and aptitudes better.
An accessible platform was created for both the young jobseekers and the employers from diverse cultural, social and economic backgrounds that is focused on equal opportunity and the removal of bias in an inclusive and supportive training design. Through this platform, the RISE project sought to facilitate the inclusion and training of all European citizens and migrants living in remote areas or facing difficulties of socio-economic nature.
The project had five main objectives to contribute to the mitigation of the identified issues and mismatch between employment opportunities and skills possessed by European youths:
- Facilitate the creation of curriculum including training and guidance materials for youth workers promoting diversity, fairness and inclusion, to overcome bias, promote equal opportunities for people from more diverse backgrounds by trained youth employment agents.
- Train and increase the capacity of the youth employment agencies through the innovative framework of iCMe for assessing the potential of young people through the analysis of their real skills and talent, by creating customised blended, face-to-face and online training.
- Facilitate the creation of a training programme for young jobseekers to acquire the essential soft skills necessary for today’s labour market, increasing the quality of their application, and improving their employability.
- Creating an accessible-to-all website for young jobseekers to access trained youth training agents that interact and provide assessment sessions; providing guidance and training through online and/or remote access to strengthen soft skills.
- Bridging the gap between the skills required by the labour market and the existing skill set of the young jobseekers through the use of a customisable intelligent tool with a focus on the differences in human interaction by the youth job agencies, leading to insight about skills.
To achieve the above objectives, the production and maintenance of 6 tangible results was required, which were produced throughout the project’s lifetime, as the partnership further engaged with stakeholders (youths workers, youths, trainers, educators) and progressed further with RISE.

RISE Project Results
See all the results here: https://www.rise-project-erasmus.eu/results/
- Market study – The completion of this study helped RISE achieve the objectives related to the creation of content and functionalities both for the platform and the online training content. Furthermore, the study is available on the RISE website and is accessible to anyone to use.
- Skill assessment – This activity will contribute to education in inclusion and diversity, making skills tangible for training. It will allow young jobseekers with less opportunities to improve their soft skills through an accessible platform.
- RISE online course – To achieve the objectives above, the RISE online course is a fundamental tool to fight unemployment and social exclusion, as well as to stimulate innovation among young people and their trainers.
- Piloting / Train the Trainers – This activity contributed to education in soft skills for employment, inclusion and diversity on the workfloor as well as making skills tangible for training youth.
- Rolling out to the partner countries – Young jobseekers are able to receive guidance and training on the desired non-formal skills that the modern occupations require, increasing their employability.
- Quality Control and Evaluation of the Process – This activity aimed at making sure that all aspects of RISE are standardised, and ascertaining that the best possible results are attained. As well as ensuring the objectives are reached in a fitting and timely manner. Furthermore, the data gathered and shared from this activity will provide visible and factual results.
Visit the RISE website here for more information about the project, results and the materials which are available for free.