Day 1
Day 1: What to do when you’re in quarantine? Here’s a short video of how to build simple games for your children or students online. # trainingmalta # teaching # parenting # covid19
Day 2
Day 2: Building a Formula 1 crossword for the man in your life! Have a look here: and the link to play the actual crossword is this:…/5219207-formula_1_crossword.html # edtech # covid19 # formula1 # quarantine
Day 3
Day 3: Turn every Youtube video into a quiz for your teenagers! # edtech # trainingmalta # covid19 # quarantine
Day 4
Day 4: Generate Maths worksheets and get them corrected automatically! Great for parents and teachers that need quick solutions for their students! # maths # edtech # trainingmalta # covid19 # quarantine
Day 5
Day 5 – Geography and Biology worksheets. Create and correct automatically different worksheets for your students and children. # edtech # trainingmalta # biology # geography # covid19 # quarantine
Day 6
Day 6: History – Open Educational Resources. Finding quality educational materials is easy … Don’t just Google, but use curated open content # history # edtech # oer # covid19 # quarantine # trainingmalta
Day 7
Day 7 – Multilingual Resources for teachers across the world. Science resources in European languages and multi-lingual ebooks (text and audio) – # edtech # scientix # gutenberg # trainingmalta # covid19 # quarantine
Day 8
Day 8 – It’s the weekend so let’s do drawings, crafts and origami! Follow simple step by step instructions in multiple languages #edtech #crafts #weekendathome #covid19 #quarantine
Day 9
Day 9 – Pacman and Space Invaders! Let’s build fun games that take us back to the 80’s! #edtech #games #weekend #covid19 #quarantine #trainingmalta
Day 10
Day 10 – Business subjects & online entrepreneurship tools. Study on your own, or invest the time to improve your business! #accounting #economics #entrepreneurship #edtech #trainingmalta
Day 11
Day 11 – Mental Health and Exercise. Check your students’ well-being and get them to move a bit! #mightifier #yoga #edtech #happy #covid19 #quarantine
Day 12
Day 12 – Maths Games ready made for Grades 1 to 9 – Have fun and learn at the same time! #edtech #eduten #maths #games #trainingmalta #finland #covid19 #quarantine
Day 13
Day 13 – Brain games and Jigsaw Puzzles. Good for all the family – on tablets and mobiles too! #braintraining #proprofs #edtech #games #trainingmalta #covid19 #quarantine
Day 14
Day 14 – Assign Homework via mobile phones – make assessments entertaining for your students! #quizizz #edtech #homework #trainingmalta #covid19 #quarantine
Day 15
Day 15 – Cooking ideas with kids at home. Have fun in the weekend and create something delicious! #food #cooking #healthy #glutenfree #trainingmalta #acrosslimits #edtech
Day 16
Day 16 – Music and Karaoke! Learn about musical genres and record yourself singing some great songs! #edtech #music #karaoke #trainingmalta #acrosslimits #covid19
Day 17
Day 17: Interactive Presentations to use via Zoom, Skype etc … Get your students to participate fully using slides that are live! #edtech #mentimeter #trainingmalta #acrosslimits #covid19
Day 18
Day 18: Learn languages – Basic Finnish & Intermediate Spanish. Start or continue learning on your own, or get materials for your students. #reactored #acceso #edtech #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 19
Day 19: Cultural collections from Europeana. Access hundreds of museum artefacts from home. #culture #museums #europeana #archives #edtech #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 20
Day 20 – Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties apps. Help your child read and also relax at home #getismart #dyslexia #adhd #edtech #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 21
Day 21 – Music – Instruments and Crafts. Build your own Ukelele and get some free sheet music! #music #chordhero #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 22
Day 22: Art lessons and colouring pages for adults. Remove your stress whilst making colourful creations #edtech #art #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 23
Day 23: DIY Pet toys and Virtual Pets. Having fun in the weekend with real or virtual cats and togs! #edtech #pets #covid19 #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 24
Day 24: Age appropriate books, videos and maths! Set your mind at rest and get great content for your students and children. #funbrain #edtech #maths #reading #videos #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 25
Day 25: Volcanoes! Learn about them, run a simulation or create one yourself! #edtech #volcano #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 26
Day 26: Birds … Lesson plans and materials for younger and older students … and create your own bird feeder from recycled items! #edtech #nature #covid19 #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 27
Day 27: Dinosaurs. Great free resources and make your own triceratops mask! #dinosaurs #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 28
Day 28: Brain training. Give your brain a workout on a daily basis! #memory #neuroplasticity #flexibility #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 29
Day 29: Easter Egg Hunt. Whether online or in person, these are great ideas to do from home! #easter #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 30
Day 30: Gratitude creates Happiness. Give thanks on a daily basis for a better outlook on life. Downloadable journals for parents and kids. #edtech #happiness #trainingmalta #acrosslimits
Day 31
Day 31: Space – ISS and satellites. Track the International Space Station and check what’s on top of you right now in space! #space #edtech #science #trainingmalta
Day 32
Day 32: Stars in the Sky. Learn about the constellations and download free lesson plans and worksheets about stars. #space #astronomy #stars #edtech #trainingmalta
Day 33
Day 33: Building Kahoot! games. Have fun with students and children whilst learning in an engaging way. Free self-study materials for various academic subjects. #kahoot #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 34
Day 34: Chemistry. Learn on your own, test yourself and use Chem4Kids to understand this great science subject. #chemistry #chem4kids #edtech #trainingmalta
Day 35
Day 35: Khan Academy. Use this great website as a parent and monitor progress of your children #edtech #khanacademy #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 36
Day 36: Art Appreciation. Learn about the greatest painters of all time and their works of art whilst at home! #art #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 37
Day 37: Dancing for Beginners. Have fun and learn simple steps (both for men and women!) #edtech #dancingqueen #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 38
Day 38: Art and Culture. Check which artwork you mostly look like thanks to Google! #edtech #culture #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 39
Day 39: Writing and Publishing Books. Calling teachers and aspiring authors to publish online on … Use your time, write a book! #edtech #lulu #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 40
Day 40: Building games for early learners. Create Duolingo-style games for iPad and iPhone with Bitsboard for kindergarten and Years 1,2 and 3. #edtech #bitsboard #games #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 41
Day 41: Online SWOT Analysis tool. Ideal for entrepreneurs and business development students. #business #startup #businessmakeover #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 42
Day 42: Online Business tools & Google Trends (and excuse my cat – he keeps crying when I do recordings!!) … Free and freemium tools to use for entrepreneurs #business #startups #womeninbiz #edtech #covid19
Day 43
Day 43: EUvsVirus Hackathon. A special edition to explain to you all what is happening and how to follow! #strongertogether #euvsvirus #europe #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 44
Day 44: Marine Life. Learn about the sea and the wonderful species in it. Listen to relaxing dolphin sounds! #sea #ocean #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 45
Day 45: More Maths – 50,000 free worksheets with answers. Understandable math concepts and worked examples for parents and teachers to use with students. #maths #worksheets #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 46
Day 46: Toddler Puzzles & Apps for Android. Get a few minutes respite with these cute apps! #edtech #earlylearners #covid19 #kindergarten #trainingmalta
Day 47
Day 47: Powerpoint Games to use via Zoom. Build gameshow ppts and game on with your students and friends #familyfeud #jeopardy #gameshow #edtech #trainingmalta
Day 48
Day 48: Schools tune into Mars. Ideal for science teachers. Learn how to include Mars topics into your lessons. #edtech #mars #space #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 49
Day 49: Reference generator for University students. Get your citations right the first time round! #university #college #research #edtech #trainingmalta
Day 50
Day 50: Create your own Personality Quizzes. Have fun building Buzzfeed wacky quizzes and testing them out on your friends #quiz #buzzfeed #fun #weekend #edtech #trainingmalta
Day 51
Day 51: Online Colouring books. Relax whilst creating beautiful paintings on PC or mobile. #relax #weekend #art #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 52
Day 52: Critical Thinking Debates Online. Start from a thesis and let your students argue it out in a safe online space. #Kialo #criticalthinking #21stcenturyskills #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 53
Day 53: Critical Thinking Debates Online. Start from a thesis and let your students argue it out in a safe online space. #Kialo #criticalthinking #21stcenturyskills #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 54
Day 54: Business Simulation Game. Learn hands on entrepreneurship by playing this free game! #simcompanies #business #startup #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 55
Day 55: Geography Online Games. Figure out where countries are in all continents and become an online cartographer! #geography #countries #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 56
Day 56: Classical Music for kids. Fun games and interactive content to learn about composers, the orchestra and more. #music #classics #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 57
Day 57: Mother’s Day Craft Ideas. With all our love to all mums out there – lots of fun things to create together. #mothersday #mum #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 58
Day 58: Learning about time. How did clocks get invented, and a free lesson plan on world timezones. #time #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 59
Day 59: Biology for Kids. Learn about cells, nutrition, organisms and check your knowledge on each subject. #biology #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 60
Day 60: eTwinning for Schools. Check out over 200,000 schools connected online from all over Europe and the great projects they do together! #etwinning #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 61
Day 61: Economics Courses & Games. Learn online from free MIT courses, and play games and simulations with your students. #economics #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 62
Day 62: Tracking Planes and Ships. Check what’s happening in the sky and on sea at your favourite airports and ports! #travellingfromsofa #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 63
Day 63: Seashells. Identify these treasures from your beach walks, build crafts and include them in lessons for pre-school children. #seashells #summer #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 64
Day 64: Padlet tool for collaboration. Have fun with students and create interesting boards whilst teaching vocabulary and improving writing skills. #padlet #languages #collaboration #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 65
Day 65: Europass CVs. Great online tool to help you build your CV for applying for jobs, tenders and other EU contracts. #CVs #employment #jobs #edtech #trainingmalta
Day 66
Day 66: Quizlet for Languages. Easily build engaging content including flashcards, quizzes and games with a few clicks. #languages #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 67
Day 67: Quizlet Resources. Find great free materials on Quizlet to use in your own remote lessons. #quizlet #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 68
Day 68: Open Food Facts Nutrition. Learn more about the products you are buying from supermarkets around the world. Contribute to improve the database! #nutrition #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 69
Day 69: CO₂ Emissions & Calculator – Figure out your own carbon footprint and learn about world data. #environment #ecofriendly #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 70
Day 70: Visual Programming for Children. Use Blockly in order to create simple programming lessons for young students. Lots of fun for parents and teachers too! #blockly #programming #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 71
Day 71 Robots for Education. Let Dash and Dot into your students’ life and teach them programming in a fun way! #robotics #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 72
Day 72: Weather – free satellite data and lesson plans. Embed animated images in your own pages and teach students using live weather information. #weather #sat24 #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 73
Day 73 Augmented Reality apps. Enter the magical world of AR together with your students – print, draw and see the objects come to life! #quiver #AR #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 74
Day 74: Cyberbullying. Teach your children and students about the effects of cyberbullying through security tips, toolkits and games. #cyberbullying #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 75
Day 75: Learning Resource Exchange. Find the right learning resources for you and your students! #learning #resources #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 76
Day 76: Esoteric Books from the Middle Ages. Look through a digital library and find historical texts to satisfy your curious mind! #library #history #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 77
Day 77 : Mind Maps. Brainstorm with your students or colleagues for great idea generation in minutes. #mindmap #creativity #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 78
Day 78: Digital Media & Fact checking. The European Digital Media Observatory launch and how to check online videos or images from social media. #digitalliteracy #fakenews #factcheck #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 79
Day 79: Plants & Flowers. Great educational content related to botany with lesson plans for young students. #kewgardens #science #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 80
Day 80: Writing in simple English. Make your text more readable and understandable by using the Hemingway app. #English #language #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 81
Day 81: Biodiversity Game. Teach students about our environment by engaging them in quests and fun activities on Tyto Online game. #environmentday #biodiversity #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 82
Day 82: Summer School Wonderopolis. Online daily activities for your kids for all the summer – STEM, music, art, nature and sports. #summer2020 #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 83
Day 83: Cars. From figuring out how a car works, to answering basic trivia quizzes, there is edutainment for everyone. #howstuffworks #cars #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 84
Day 84: Culture and Etiquette. How many kisses should you give when greeting people, how to give a business card and much more. #travel #culture #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 85
Day 85: SlideShare. View, share and download different files on all your favourite topics #lessons #presentations #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 86
Day 87
Day 87: Free Images & Icons. Find royalty-free images and icons to add to your online course. #images #icons #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 88
Day 88: IlovePDF. Convert, merge and split PDFs to your satisfaction! #free #tool #pdf #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 89
Day 89: Superheroes. Scientific information, lesson plans and craft ideas on all your favourite superheroes! #science #lessonplan #crafts #superheroes #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta
Day 90
Day 90: Molecular Dynamics. Discover what molecular dynamics and high-performance computing are through a range of online courses. #bioexcel #postgraduate #edtech #covid19 #trainingmalta