EuropeanaLocal - AcrossLimits - Your EU Project Technology Partner


project acronym: EuropeanaLocal

project fullname: EuropeanaLocal

lifetime: 2008 – 2010

programme: eContentPlus

email[email protected]

about: EuropeanaLocal was established as a Best Practice Network to improve the interoperability of the digital content held by regional and local institutions and make it accessible through the European Digital Library (EDL) and to other services. The EuropeanaLocal consortium was made up of 31 entities that represented the 27 EU member states with broad range of experience of the cultural sector, digital libraries, standards and aggregation services. The project coordinator was the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council of the United Kingdom.  EuropeanaLocal’s main objective was to increase access to digital content across four identified key domains which were Libraries, Museums, Archives and Audio/Visual Archives.

With this in mind, the partners:

  • established a local, regional and national level multiplier networks;
  • made over 20 million items available to the European Digital Library (EDL);
  • made available to the local/regional content providers in EDLocal a “toolkit” to ease the conversion of existing local databases;
  • used the dissemination opportunities of the project to promote low-cost accomplishment of additional digitisation activity;