Arjana Blazic is a language arts teacher, education technology consultant and instructional designer. She is an external expert at European Schoolnet, where she contributes to EU CodeWeek by developing teaching and learning resources and teacher training opportunities that aim at scaling up innovative use of digital technologies in schools. She is a recipient of the 2014-2015 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Award at Penn State University, where she successfully completed the academic program Teaching and Learning with Technology. Arjana is a co-author of the Croatian National Curriculum for English Language Teaching and the Croatian National Curriculum for the Use of ICT as a Cross-Curricular Topic. She serves on the Advisory Board for Driving K-12 Innovation and on the Steering Group for the Digital Education Hackathon, an EIT initiative under the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan. Arjana is author and founder of award-winning projects and she has expertise in organizing international onsite and online events for teacher professional development including Twitter chats and Teachmeets. She has written articles about teaching and learning with technology and an ICT book for children. Her projects have been awarded by Microsoft Partners in Learning, eTwinning, Europe@School and Edublogs. Her research interests focus on technology enhanced teaching and learning and the impact of digital technologies on teacher professional development.