STENCIL - AcrossLimits - Your EU Project Technology Partner



project acronym: STENCIL

project fullname: Science Teaching European Network for Creativity and Innovation in Learning

lifetime: 2011-2013

sector: Science Education, Education and Training

programme: Life Long Learning Programme

email[email protected]

about: The STENCIL Network includes 21 members from 9 European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey.

The STENCIL Network’s main objectives are to:

  • identify and promote innovative practices in science teaching, by publishing every year an Annual Report on the State of Innovation in Science Education;
  • bring together science education practitioners to share different experiences and learn from each other by organising periodical study visits and workshops, in a peer to peer approach;
  • disseminate materials and outcomes coming from previous EU funded projects, but also from isolated science education initiatives, through the STENCIL web portal and national communities, as well as through a wide range of dissemination actions, such as international conferences and national dissemination events
  • provide educational authorities and policy makers with a set of Guidelines and a Manifesto for innovating science education in their countries, especially focused on the establishment of contacts between Research Institutes, Schools and Industries.

acrosslimits role: We have disseminated the project amongst Maltese schools, promoted the awards locally and organised a study visit for the whole network here in Malta.