Jacqueline Bugeja, the Head of Finance, Human Resources and Administration, has been with AcrossLimits since 2008. Apart from having a wealth of experience in these areas, she has added to this by attaining Diplomas in Business Studies and Managerial Principles, and has successfully studied for a Masters in Training and Human Resource Management. Over the years Jacqueline has also taken on the role of the Company’s second mother figure, providing support, advice and a little comic relief to the team.
The Early Days
Jacqueline was born in Germany, brought up in England and dragged to Malta at the age of 12 by her parents who wanted to return home. The linguistic and cultural challenges she faced and managed to overcome has inspired her to attempt different things to prove to herself that she can do whatever she puts her mind to, something that she calls ‘positive envy’ because instead of putting someone else down, you try to improve yourself. This was the drive behind, amongst others, continuing her studies at the age of 28 with a husband and boisterous one year old in tow.
Role at AcrossLimits
As Head of Finance, Human Resources and Administration, Jacqueline’s role is to provide support to the other members of the team in areas such as budgeting, organising events, handling staff issues or submitting the necessary declarations to the authorities.
Since she wears so many hats, her work can definitely not be classified as boring. Her favourite tasks are anything to do with finance, accounts or numbers. Being a perfectionist, this can sometimes be demanding, but at the end of the day it gives her a great deal of satisfaction.
Although she has tried her hand at different crafts, the one that gives her the greatest satisfaction is Egg Art. Since 2015 she has honed this delicate art form, transforming fragile eggshells into intricate masterpieces. This consists of cutting and decorating eggs that range in size from a quail egg to that of an ostrich, with all the thought and delicacy this entails. She is sometimes aided in her creations by Baci, the feline love of her life.